@extends('layouts.vertical', ['title' => 'Scrollbar', 'sub_title' => 'Extended', 'mode' => $mode ?? '', 'demo' => $demo ?? '']) @section('content')

Custom Scroll (CSS)

Tailwind CSS works by scanning all of your HTML files, JavaScript components, and any other templates for class names, generating the corresponding styles and then writing them to a static CSS file.

It's fast, flexible, and reliable — with zero-runtime.

Over 500+ professionally designed, fully responsive, expertly crafted component examples you can drop into your Tailwind projects and customize to your heart’s content.

Tailwind CSS is incredibly performance focused and aims to produce the smallest CSS file possible by only generating the CSS you are actually using in your project.

Combined with minification and network compression, this usually leads to CSS files that are less than 10kB, even for large projects. For example, Netflix uses Tailwind for Netflix Top 10 and the entire website delivers only 6.5kB of CSS over the network.

With CSS files this small, you don’t have to worry about complex solutions like code-splitting your CSS for each page, and can instead just ship a single small CSS file that’s downloaded once and cached until you redeploy your site.

Simplebar Scroll

SimpleBar does only one thing: replace the browser's default scrollbar with a custom CSS-styled one without losing performances. Unlike some popular plugins, SimpleBar doesn't mimic scroll with Javascript, causing janks and strange scrolling behaviours... You keep the awesomeness of native scrolling...with a custom scrollbar!

SimpleBar does NOT implement a custom scroll behaviour. It keeps the native overflow: auto scroll and only replace the scrollbar visual appearance.

Design it as you want

SimpleBar uses pure CSS to style the scrollbar. You can easily customize it as you want! Or even have multiple style on the same page...or just keep the default style ("Mac OS" scrollbar style).

Lightweight and performant

Only 6kb minified. SimpleBar doesn't use Javascript to handle scrolling. You keep the performances/behaviours of the native scroll.

Supported everywhere

SimpleBar has been tested on the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE11.

RTL Position

Just use data attribute data-simplebar data-simplebar-direction='rtl' and add max-height: **px oh fix height

SimpleBar does only one thing: replace the browser's default scrollbar with a custom CSS-styled one without losing performances. Unlike some popular plugins, SimpleBar doesn't mimic scroll with Javascript, causing janks and strange scrolling behaviours... You keep the awesomeness of native scrolling...with a custom scrollbar!

SimpleBar does NOT implement a custom scroll behaviour. It keeps the native overflow: auto scroll and only replace the scrollbar visual appearance.

Design it as you want

SimpleBar uses pure CSS to style the scrollbar. You can easily customize it as you want! Or even have multiple style on the same page...or just keep the default style ("Mac OS" scrollbar style).

Lightweight and performant

Only 6kb minified. SimpleBar doesn't use Javascript to handle scrolling. You keep the performances/behaviours of the native scroll.

Supported everywhere

SimpleBar has been tested on the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE11.

Scroll Size

Just use data attribute data-simplebar and add max-height: **px oh fix height

SimpleBar does only one thing: replace the browser's default scrollbar with a custom CSS-styled one without losing performances. Unlike some popular plugins, SimpleBar doesn't mimic scroll with Javascript, causing janks and strange scrolling behaviours... You keep the awesomeness of native scrolling...with a custom scrollbar!

SimpleBar does NOT implement a custom scroll behaviour. It keeps the native overflow: auto scroll and only replace the scrollbar visual appearance.

Design it as you want

SimpleBar uses pure CSS to style the scrollbar. You can easily customize it as you want! Or even have multiple style on the same page...or just keep the default style ("Mac OS" scrollbar style).

Lightweight and performant

Only 6kb minified. SimpleBar doesn't use Javascript to handle scrolling. You keep the performances/behaviours of the native scroll.

Supported everywhere

SimpleBar has been tested on the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE11.

Scroll Color

Just use data attribute data-simplebar data-simplebar-primary and add max-height: **px oh fix height

SimpleBar does only one thing: replace the browser's default scrollbar with a custom CSS-styled one without losing performances. Unlike some popular plugins, SimpleBar doesn't mimic scroll with Javascript, causing janks and strange scrolling behaviours... You keep the awesomeness of native scrolling...with a custom scrollbar!

SimpleBar does NOT implement a custom scroll behaviour. It keeps the native overflow: auto scroll and only replace the scrollbar visual appearance.

Design it as you want

SimpleBar uses pure CSS to style the scrollbar. You can easily customize it as you want! Or even have multiple style on the same page...or just keep the default style ("Mac OS" scrollbar style).

Lightweight and performant

Only 6kb minified. SimpleBar doesn't use Javascript to handle scrolling. You keep the performances/behaviours of the native scroll.

Supported everywhere

SimpleBar has been tested on the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE11.

@endsection @section('script') @vite(['resources/js/pages/highlight.js']) @endsection