@extends('layouts.vertical', ['title' => 'Tippy Tooltips', 'sub_title' => 'Extended', 'mode' => $mode ?? '', 'demo' => $demo ?? '']) @section('css') @vite(['node_modules/tippy.js/dist/tippy.css']) @endsection @section('content')

Placement Tooltips

A highly customizable vanilla JS tooltip & popover library

The default tippy tooltip looks like this when given no options. It has a nifty backdrop filling animation!

Top Bottom Left Right Top-Start Top-End

Arrows Tooltips

Arrows point toward the reference element.

Default Round Wide Skinny Small Large

Interactivity Tooltips

Tooltips can be interactive, meaning they won't hide when you hover over or click on them.

Interactive (hover) Interactive (click)

Duration Tooltips

A tippy can have different transition durations.

0ms 200ms 1000ms [500ms, 200ms]

Animations Tooltips

Tooltips can have different types of animations.

Shift away Shift toward Fade Scale Perspective Inertia (shift-away) Inertia (shift-toward) Inertia (scale) Inertia (perspective)

Themes Tooltips

A tippy can have any kind of theme you want! Creating a custom theme is a breeze.

Translucent Light Gradient

Misc Tooltips

Tippy has a ton of features, and it's constantly improving.

Follow cursor Touch & Hold Distance Offset Small Large
@endsection @section('script') @vite(['resources/js/pages/extended-tippy.js']) @vite(['resources/js/pages/highlight.js']) @endsection